Thursday, January 29, 2015

the beginning.

Part of why I adore freelancing is because it's fostered a deep love of people within me. There is something so rewarding about connecting with others, whether it's with strangers or with friends, with people nearby or people across the world. These collaborations, regardless of depth and brevity, have given such a sense of fullness to the past few years of my life.

That search for fullness is at the center of my journey this year, in every aspect of my life. And so, I decided to embark upon a project that will hopefully foster and strengthen a wide variety of connections in a creative way.

It's called Kindred Conversations.

Here's how it works: I want to meet up with individuals in the community (that's you, reader!) and do an activity that's fulfilling to you. It could be as simple as a conversation over coffee or a walk in the park. Or perhaps something more complicated like a long hike somewhere new, or even something insane as skydiving. As long as it's something you think will add some simple joy to your life, then I'm game to do it. I'll pay for whatever we do (within reason - I can't finance a trip to Paris in the near future), bring my camera along to document, and blog about the experience.

This project depends on the participation of others for a reason: because I think fostering community and genuine conversations is vital to the human experience. I've experienced the joy of both firsthand. There's a little risk involved when you put yourself out there, especially to connect with people you don't know well.

But I believe getting out of our comfort zones is worth it every time. I don't care if we're complete strangers or if we've known each other for years - I believe you have something to contribute to this project.

Do you have a creative practice that soothes you? Is there something sitting on your bucket list, waiting to be marked off? Do you simply want to foster new connections?

Then fill out the contact form on the sidebar or email me at

I can't wait to meet you!

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